10 Ways to Get Better
at Improv (short version)

(Michael and Elgin - Liquid Mind - Pan - 2013)

1) Do improv twice per week – once in class and once in a troupe or in jam.

2) Take scripted classes – study a specific technique rather than dabbling.

3) Perform as much as possible.

4) Take classes in related skills: tai chi, voice, etc. Learn new things.

5) Read. Read classics, read novels, read history. Read improv books, read acting books, read articles on improv.

6) Watch improv, films, theater, sitcoms, people. Watch for the acting. Learn from the good and bad.

7) Learn about yourself. You always bring yourself to the stage.

8) Re-take basic classes.

9) Take breaks from your improv.

10) Have fun. Let go of judgments and timelines. 

The only one putting pressure on you, is you. Enjoy your process. Savor it.