Pan Theater Play Fest
Anything Can Happen in 10 Minutes

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(Elgin and Tyson - Anything Can Happen- 2011)

Anything Can Happen in 10 Minutes sampler

Anything can happen in 10 minutes. It often does and then things change fast.

We began our play festival several years ago and took a break. The festival has always been one of Pan Theater's most successful and exciting shows. 

The original idea of the festival was to explore how quickly life can change and how quickly events come to a final moment where Anything Can Happen...

We explore both the everyday and the more abstract and absurd in the play fest. Winning plays have included cheeseburgers that talk, zombies, customer service at Saturn (the car company) and cats both cool and neurotic. 

They have also included relationships on the edge, the beginnings of new relationships and the turning points in relationships.

We put a ton of work into choosing the plays. We get hundreds of submissions and we pick the ones that we feel are well written and that we can stage. 

There are many reasons we reject a ten minute play. Reasons include being too long, too difficult to cast, set requirements that are too demanding and many others. After we go through the initial cut we get to the ten minute plays that we will read with actors.

We read the plays cold and make a decision by group. We consider how similar or dissimilar the plays are to each other. 

Can a given group of plays make for a coherent evening?

The real work begins after we have picked the plays. Directors are chosen or volunteer and casting begins. 

Each director works with his (her) actors separately until the dress rehearsal.

The festival itself has always been a huge artistic success. The turn outs have been amazing and often times playwrights will drive to the festival or fly to town for one of the productions.

Our 2011 ten minute play festival is being held on August 12th, 18th and 19th. 

If the dress rehearsal is any indication it will be another great one.

Tickets sellout. If you are thinking of going get your tickets early.