Pan Theater Comedy Improv
in the East Bay Express

(Mary, David & Melissa from Awkward Face - Pan - 2011)

Pan Theater has been getting more and more mention in the local media. It is exciting to see awareness of our comedy improv style and work spread. 

Our most recent review was the first review for our house improv troupe the AfTers.

The Tonight's Town format has proven to be popular both with our performers and the local improv fans.

The AfTers are Flying by the seat of their Pants

With Tonight's Town, the new troupe takes improv comedy one step further.

By Ellen Cushing, East Bay Express

Behind that Awkward Face

by Rachel Swan, East Bay Express

We've also gotten the word out in the local community by our participation in the San Francisco Improv Festival 2010.

It's an exciting time to be part of the Bay Area Improv community and an exciting time to be part of Pan Theater.

If you haven't seen one of our shows yet, bring a copy of this blog post to any show for two for one tickets to our shows. Improv only.