Acting Class in the San Francisco Bay

Pan Theater has been offering  an acting class program in the San Francisco Bay Area since February of 2002. Our acting class program focuses on improvisational theatre and a theatre games approach to acting.

(Liquid Mind Performers: Katie, Jeff and Rachel - Pan Theater 2012)

Pan Theater classes combine exercises from Meisner Technique with exercises from Viola Spolin's Improvisation for the Theater.

Our approach focuses on helping performers focus on the moment and becoming aware of their feelings. Our performers strive to be truthful to what is going on in the now. 

Many of our students find this process a life transforming process. It helps them not only in their acting class but also helps them transform their lives for the better. Pan students find many of the skills that learn in their acting class are useful not only on stage but also off stage. 

Students take classes in comedy improv (theater games) and also explore more dramatic work through long form improv. 

Our long form program includes work in Del Close's Harold, the Montage, the One Act and other long form improv formats.

Pan attracts students from throughout the Bay Area including: Oakland, San Francisco, Berkeley, Alameda, San Mateo, Walnut Creek and other Bay Area cities. It helps that our theater and class space is only one block from BART.

Pan performers come from our classes. Our house performing troupes Liquid mind and Awkward Face recruit from members of Pan's long form classes. Pan alumni also get first audition chances for all of Pan's scripted work. 

Pan students, alumni and performers have performed in Pan's popular ten minute play festival: Anything Can Happen in Ten Minutes. Pan community members have also participated in Pan's benefit performance of the Vagina Monologues.

For anyone serious about their acting classes and developing acting skills Pan offers a convenient, affordable and high quality program. 

Pan alumni can be found on performing in local theater projects, TV projects, indie films and of course in various improv troupes both at Pan and outside of Pan.