Acting Classes in the San Francisco Bay Area

Pan Theater's class and rehearsal space has always been within walking distance from BART. 

Pan is located a short 30 second walk from BART. Pan is only 13 minutes from the Powell Street BART station via BART.

(Awkward Face Performers: Virginia and Anna - Pan Theater 2011)

Pan's acting classes are popular. 

We have students from throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Pan students come from Oakland, San Francisco, Berkeley, Alameda, Santa Rosa and Mountain View.

Pan offers acting classes focusing on improv theater. 

Our work blends the work of Viola Spolin's Theater games with Meisner technique. 

Our beginning work focuses on theater games to develop spontaneity within the acting class members. 

As the work progresses and students start studying long form improv we add exercises from Meisner technique including a solid foundation in the repetition exercise.

Pan performers can use the skills learned in our acting classes in Pan's performance classes and by joining a Pan house team. 

Pan also provides opportunities to participate in scripted work with our various acting projects such as: Anything Can Happen in Ten Minutes and our benefit performance of the Vagina Monologues.

Alumni of Pan's acting classes can be seen performing throughout the San Francisco Bay Area in plays, films, industrial work, and of course improv shows.

Pan's Improv Dojo - improv acting class provides a great way to try acting at Pan. The class is a fun two hour class appropriate for both the beginning and advanced actor. 

The class is a bargain at only $20 (less than the cost of a movie ticket and a couple of drinks).

The class provides a chance to play, meet other local actors and have fun. Try it once and you'll be back for more.