How to Find Improv in
Oakland in 3 Easy Steps

(Pan Theater - 120 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Oakland)

How to Find Improv in Oakland in Easy Steps

If I did it you can too!

Below, I offer my experience and advice so that you too can find improv comedy shows…maybe with more ease and aplomb.

Step One: Find Pan Theater 

Pan Theater is located at 120 Frank Ogawa Plaza in Oakland. You'll know what to look for, so it should take you far less than 3 bicycle laps around the block before you spot the windows plastered with improv posters.' Initially, to my uninformed eyes, the theatre could've been any business on the street. 

Perhaps appropriately, since 'Pan' is an acronym for 'Pick A Name,' from the street, the theater's sign is completely hidden by a blue awning. (I had guessed that 'Pan' was a shout out to the wild goat god, or even an allusion to whimsical Peter. T

Discerning blog readers such as yourselves should have no trouble finding Pan Theater.

If you are coming from BART - just walk straight out the 12th Street/Ogawa Plaza exit and you’ll be there.

You certainly won't be in a heart-palpitating rush like I was the first time I visited Pan. You'll be prepared, and perhaps even arrive early. It doesn't matter, if you become distracted by the colorful windows across the street, and stop for several seconds- was it minutes?- to contemplate the pictures.

You may even have time to explore the block and visit Pan's neighbors. Instead of freezing slack-jawed and lost as I was.

Congratulations! After completing these easy steps, you will have found improv in Oakland! So come out to Pan Theater.