Improv Auditions Again

We hold auditions quarterly for our troupes. It is also the chance for members of the training troupes to audition for Pan Theaters if there are spaces available.

Each time we hold auditions is different. Sometimes we'll have so many good people trying out and not so many spots. Other times there is an almost an even number between the number of spots open and the number of people auditioning.

The Auditions
We often get asked, "What is an improv audition?" or "What should I prepare?".

The auditions are actually pretty low key. One of our senior performers or directors leads a warm-up after everyone signs in for the audition.

After the warm-up everyone auditioning does a series of scenes with a partner. There are shorter scenes and then two and three minute scenes. People typically encourage each other and there is often spontaneous clapping after each scene.

We've had people with no prior experience ace the auditions and we've had people with tons of experience fail the auditions. In general people that review the basic concepts do better. We highly recommend reading our favorite improv articles before any improv audition.

Favorite Improv Articles

    1.    Rules of Improv I

    2.    Rules of Improv II

    3.    How to be a Better Improviser

After the scenes we do a wrap up with questions and answers.

The typical process takes about an hour. Most people seem to enjoy the process.

After the audition
The auditors review their notes and the background of each performer. We choose the people that we feel will make the best team.

What we look for
We look at the basic improv abilities. Do they get the basic concepts and ideas such as "yes, and", "making your partner look good" and following the follower.

We consider the range of characters and the listening. Often people are trying so hard in a scene there is so much conversation and but not enough real listening. People confuse the end product with an effort to be entertaining.

In general, slower is better. Going moment to moment and "keeping it real".

If you want to know more about our auditions see:

    ▪    Pan Audition Registration Page and Info

If you want tips for improv auditions get our:

    ▪    Guide to Improv Auditons

It is a free guide we've created based on almost ten years of quarterly auditions.

Best in your improv,

David Alger
Pan Theater