The Improv Acronym for Success: C.R.O.W.

Pan Theater Awkward Show - 2013

The Improv Acronym for Success: C.R.O.W.

I think it is humorous when friends of mine ask about improv.

(In a stereotypical southern accent) “What do y’all do during practice? Do you guys just play games and stuff?”

I then always tell them the same thing, “We practice C.R.O.W.” This answer doesn’t really explain much to those who don’t know improv but it shuts them up. To those who do know improv, it explains our whole world.

C.R.O.W: Character, Relationship, Objective and Where.

Although very basic, it is amazing how many improv scenes go without these important facts. They are somewhat the same fundamentals of acting, and are necessary for successful improv.

Character: Who the hell are you? What is your name? Where do you come from and why are you in the scene? What’s your deal?

Relationship: What is the relationship between yourself and your scene partner? Why are you two in the same space at the same time? What have your two characters shared together?

Objective: What is your purpose for being there? What are you trying to accomplish? Also, what is your scene partner trying to accomplish?

Where: What is your location? Easy enough- but often goes missing.

However basic this information may be, these 4 characteristics make improv scenes rich, deep, and feel as if they can go on forever. They are all intertwined together and when each part is there, it can be magic.

So if nothing else, think like Peter Pan and C.R.O.W.

by Lauren Schaefer, copyright 2009. All rights reserved. This article may be copied, posted, or repeated provide credit is given to both the author and Pan Theater. A link to http// must appear in the article if printed online