Tonight’s Town Comedy Improv Show

Pan Theater Training Troupe - Pan 2012

Working on Tonight's Town has been a fun experience. It has also been a challenging experience.

The format is more complex than short form comedy improv, and creates a comedy show more based on story than quick wit.

Moving away from short form improv and the generic Montage has required working on storytelling and narrative, sustaining characters, and sharpening memory skills.

The performers get the name of the town, a town never before visited from the audience.

Towns so far have include:

    ▪    Cobbstown

    ▪    Falsetopia

    ▪    Cougarsville

    ▪    Peppersprayland

After that everything is improvised off of the name and the details each performer provides.

Tonight's Town starts with a Tableaux of the characters and perhaps a location of the town.

From there the performers explore the relationships of the various characters. Finding the main character, and the dominate story line requires listening, patience and teamwork.