Words to Improv by or
a Comedy Improv Primer

Pan Training Troupe Show - Pan 2011

A note from one of Pan's new short form  troupe performers.
Some great advice to any improviser, actor or performer.

"To those who performed tonight: You were all GREAT ! You looked so relaxed and confident, like old pros.”

One thing I noticed:

Tonight in your performance, is it's really OK to take pauses, take your time with a line.

It doesn't make it less funny, and often more meaningful. I know we've been told that before, but it really came into focus for me

And you don't always have to try to be funny, usually it comes out funny anyway. And I need to remember to use the space & space objects, it's not all your words & actions.

It's creating the whole reality ... these are things I know I need to work on.

I LOVE the Tonight's Town concept and its simplicity, yet, wow, look where it can go .... Well, just wanted to share my observations!

And my appreciation ..."

Delan (performer - Pan's Short Form troupe)
For those new to improv many of the notes she mentioned can be found in our Improv Articles:

The Rules of Improv

Rules of Improv II